3 days hike in Rajef area (Jordan) with amazing group courtesy Finjan - Alternative Travel & Trekking in Israel
Fun Fact (from Nat Geo): Jesus, Moses and Mohammad all have passed through Jordan trail.
The trip itinerary (courtesy Ariel):
Day 1
Gone up Wadi Smeime
Connected with Wadi Ruweibe (that's the deep canyon that was full of water)
Visited the spring of Ein M'shet (we camped at the same area)
Day 2:
Hiked up Wadi Hurma (the sandy canyon)
Hiked up the Naqb Hurma trail
Looked down at Wadi Ruweibe from above
Visited the Hurma arch
Scrambled the white sandstone domes of Jabel (mountain) Barza
Camped at Julif
Day 3:
Hiked down Wadi Muiat through Naqb (trail) Muiat
Hiked down Wadi Tajra, and bypassed its lower waterfalls
Bathed in Ein a sadde (the spring with the waterfall)
We ended the hike in Wadi Sabra.

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